9.1 CAO – no reports
9.2.1 REPORT NO. CL2016-06
Canada’s Past Prime Ministers Statue Project 2017 Sesquicentennial Initiative Township of Wilmot Administration Grounds
Resolution No. 2016-55
Moved by: A. Junker Seconded by: M. Murray
THAT Report No CL2016-06 dated April 4, 2016, and prepared by the Director of Clerk’s Services, be endorsed, and further;
THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to enter into an agreement between the Township of Wilmot and Createscape Waterloo Region and to sign the associated By-law.
The Director of Clerk’s Services highlighted the report.
Councillor P. Roe noted that he welcomes this report and the project as a way to celebrate the leaders who founded Canada.
Council Meeting Minutes April 4, 2016 Page 3
Councillor A. Junker expressed his support of this project and endeavor to enhance the knowledge of the history of Canada. He stated that the burial sites of the past prime Ministers are scattered throughout Canada and that this project will bring all past Prime Ministers to one central location as an artistic endeavour and as an educational venture. He noted through the project both the good and bad can be taught and visitors can learn who these leaders really were. He stressed that people of today cannot impose their values on people from yesterday. He concluded by stating that Canada has a history we can be proud of but also a history that we can learn from.
Councillor B. Fisher noted that this project is a tremendous opportunity for Baden that will have national excitement. He stated that he personally chooses to remember and celebrate the positive contributions from Canada’s leaders.
Councillor J. Gerber expressed his appreciation for the historic nature of the project. He commented that it will be a chance to see and question the impact that these leaders had on the Country which can prompt some valuable discussion. He noted that this is an excellent opportunity on an appropriate location adjacent to Castle Kilbride, the home of James Livingston who served as a Member of Parliament. He concluded by stating that this will enhance the tourism in the area and that it is significant for the Township given the local roots for its beginning.
Councillor M. Murray concurred with his fellow Councillors and expressed his excitement for the project as well.
Mayor L. Armstrong advised that he has spoken with other local politicians who expressed that they were glad to see this project find a home within Waterloo Region. He noted that he is disappointed to see gaps in the way history is often presented since it is through the good and bad that we learn from our past. He stated that all aspects need to be presented so that we do not repeat the mistakes. He further stated that he views this as an opportunity to ensure all of history is presented. He thanked the committee for their work on this project.
Councillor J. Gerber added that the financial arrangements are appealing where it is being funded entirely through federal grants and private donations, noting that staff will follow through with due diligence on the details of the agreement.
Mayor L. Armstrong concurred with Councillor J. Gerber.
In response to Councillor B. Fisher, Mr. Rodgers, Co-Chair with Createscape Waterloo Region, advised that this would be the only site consisting of all past Prime Ministers.
Council Meeting Minutes April 4, 2016 Page 4
He clarified that Prime Ministers’ Row on Laurier Avenue East in Ottawa has statues of the past Prime Ministers who lived on that street and Parliament Hill has only eight statues of past Prime Ministers.”